October 16, 2007 Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was called to order at 7:30 P.M. on October 16, 2007, at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan.  Dean led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Dean, Keck, Rogala, Bertchinger
Absent: Davis

Also present: Rick Mahlmeister, C.P.A.

Agenda stands as presented.  Minutes of September 18, 2007, meeting approved as presented.

Mr. Mahlmeister reported on the recently completed audit for the fiscal year, 2006-2007.  He found no reportable problems and in fact, said the township is in very good financial condition.  He reviewed the audit and asked for questions from the Board.  No one had any questions so Mr. Mahlmeister thanked the members for the opportunity to perform the audit.

The next item on the agenda concerned the County Recycle Project.  Keck reported that Mike Overton called him to report that the citizens of Mackinaw Township who do not reside in the Village of Mackinaw would be able to use the bins in Wawatam Township.  The $24 fee for these people would be paid to Cheboygan County.  Cheboygan County would then send these funds to Emmet County.

Keck moved that “The Mackinaw Township Board approve payment of up to a maximum of $3,500 for the Emmet County Recycle project upon adoption of the program by the Cheboygan County Board of Commissions per the following Resolution:

The Mackinaw Township recycle funds will be available to Mackinaw Township residents living outside of the Village of Mackinaw City to pay the one year $24 Recycle Use Fee per approved resident household as established by the Cheboygan County Recycling Program and the Township of Mackinaw.

Procedures for implementing the Recycle Program will be established by the Mackinaw Township Board in cooperation with the County of Cheboygan and the Emmet County Recycle System”.

Dean seconded the motion.  Discussion followed with each Board Member expressing opinions and many questions were brought before the Board.

Roll call followed: Rogala – No; Keck – Yes; Dean – No; Bertchinger – No;Davis – Absent
Motion Failed

Next item before the Board concerned a possible dedication of the Memorial Gardens.  It was agreed that this should be done in the near future.  Bertchinger agreed to contact persons involved and set a date for this to take place.

Annual Evaluation of Board Policies is to be done at the November Meeting.  Motion by Rogala, second by Bertchinger to have current policies reviewed by Legal Council before the next meeting.
All aye, motion carried.

Keck reported on two new policies he would present for board approval.  One will be the disposal of surplus property and one on setting guidelines for township expenditures.

Treasurer’s Report for September was reviewed.  Bertchinger reported on current unpaid taxes.  She also explained that the County Treasurer would calculate any refunds due because of tax tribunal issues.

Bertchinger also reported on another lot being deeded to the Township in exchange for a letter to be sent to the Owner acknowledging this contribution.

Keck explained a correction to September Warrant List – Motion by Keck, second by Bertchinger to approve corrected September Bills.  All aye, motion carried.

Approval of October Bills was carried out on motion by Rogala, second by Keck. All aye, October bills approved.

Keck reported on the Internet Broadband Summit workshop he attended in Grayling.  This meeting was organized by Bart Stupak and the US Department of Agriculture to explore ways to bring Broadband Service to Rural Areas.

Motion by Keck, second by Bertchinger to adjourn at 8:45 P.M.

Jack A. Keck, Clerk