February 20, 2007 Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was held on Tuesday, February 20, 2007, at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Supervisor Dean called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Dean, Keck, Rogala, Davis

Absent: Bertchinger

Dean asked for an addition to Agenda, under non-agenda Items. Topic to be discussed will be newsletter.

Minutes of January 16, 2007, meeting approved as presented.

Budget Discussion commenced at this time with Keck reviewing all proposed increases and decreases for the 2007/08 Fiscal Year.

Bertchinger arrived at 6:15 P.M.

Extended comments followed concerning costs for road improvement and possible construction of storage addition on Township Hall.

Motion by Rogala, second by Davis to approve tentative Budget for 2007/2008 of $244,655.

Roll Call: Davis - Yes, Rogala - Yes, Keck - Yes, Bertchinger - Yes, Dean - Yes

Tentative Budget for 2007/2008 stands as presented. (This budget will be presented for public inspection and discussion at the March 13, 2007 Township meeting.)

Dean reported that the negotiations continue concerning Fire and Ambulance Service. The bill for the current year has been paid and further discussions will continue.

Under new business, the Cheboygan County Master Plan was brought before the floor. Rogala expressed a desire to have someone attend a meeting and explain this plan. Keck will arrange for a representative from the county.

Keck reported he felt the policy on attendance at the State MTA Convention should be amended to allow more members to attend. This will be included in a future review of Township Policies.

A letter concerning census participation from the United States Department of Commerce will be added to the April agenda.

Upcoming contracts for Attorney, Assessor, and Auditor were reviewed. These contracts will be continued as recommended and action will be taken in March. In the future, there may be a change in awarding contracts and the need to ask for bids.

A DEQ Grant Application offer was reviewed but it was not felt that it should be acted on at this time.

Treasurer's Report for February stands as presented.

Motion to approve Bills as presented was brought forth by Bertchinger, second by Davis. All aye, motion carried.

The non-agenda item presented by Dean was the possibility of a newsletter to be sent to all property owners in Mackinaw Township. The frequency of this letter and topics that might be included were discussed and Dean will take further action on this and report back to the Board.

Davis asked that the Plaque and Memorial Garden be added to the March agenda.

There was also a brief discussion of the need for action on the ditch along Wallick Road and Keck will call the Road Commission concerning the need for someone to check before the water floods the road

Keck asked for opinions on the placement of Bulletin Boards on the walls of the township office. This will alleviate the need for items to be attached directly to the walls.

Meeting adjourned to the call of the chair at 8:05 P.M.

Jack A. Keck, Clerk