The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2006, at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Supervisor Dean called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Dean, Keck, Davis, Rogala, Bertchinger
Absent: None
Guest: Probate Judge Robert Butts
Agenda stands as presented. Motion by Dean, second by Davis to accept September 19, 2006, minutes as presented. In addition, minutes of Special Meetings of October 3, 2006, were accepted as presented. All ayes, minutes stand.
Judge Butts reviewed programs started in his six-year tenure as Probate Judge. He also distributed a handbook recently prepared that covers the many programs operated out of his office. He stressed the history he has in dealing with family problems and is anxious to serve another six-year term as Probate Judge.
Discussion then turned to Agreement with Village of Mackinaw concerning Fire Service. Dean opened the discussion by stating that the township has two options at this point. The township could wait until the Village presents some sort of agreement or begin drafting an agreement that would serve the purpose from the standpoint of the township. It was reiterated that Jeff Lawson, Manager of the Village of Mackinaw, had agreed at a prior meeting that the fire service would continue as covered in the past until a new contract could be agreed on. Members agreed that it will be necessary to obtain actual costs for fire service and that any agreement must contain the same language for Wawatam Township.
Motion by Keck, seconded by Bertchinger that Fire Committee be authorized to start finding resources to develop a proposed contract for a period lasting at least until March 31, 2008 and to authorize payment up to $600.00 for research and consultant fees. This Committee is instructed to bring back a report for the next meeting. All aye, motion carried.
Concerning the need for storage space, after further discussion of motion passed at last meeting to repair present storage building, it was agreed that some investigation should be made as to cost to construct a cement block building to service as additional storage space. Rogala and Dean agreed to meet in the near future and begin exploring a plan.
Motion by Rogala, second by Bertchinger to authorize Keck to rent storage space for election supplies after the upcoming election. All aye, motion carried.
Motion by Rogala, second by Keck to appoint the following election inspectors for the upcoming General Election on November 7, 2006: Chairman, Donna Falor, Bonnie Bertchinger, Mary-Margaret Cosins,Sandra Prior, Nan Keck, Darlene Krueger. Alternate will be Jack Keck. All aye, inspectors approved.
Quarterly financial report was distributed to Board Members. Any questions should be brought to the November meeting. Treasurer's Report accepted as presented. Motion by Rogala, second by Davis to pay October bills as listed. All ayes, bills approved.
Motion by Keck, second by Davis to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. All aye, meeting adjourned.
Jack A. Keck, Clerk