July 18, 2006 Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was held on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Supervisor Dean called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call: Present: Dean, Keck, Rogala, Bertchinger, Davis

Guests: Linda LaChapelle, Melissa Bentz

Agenda stands as presented.

Minutes of June Board Meeting stand as presented.

Dean reported on current situation with Fire & Ambulance agreement. The two townships involved can set up a fire district. A meeting with Wawatam Township should be held in the near future.

Melissa Bentz then addressed the Board concerning Liability Insurance now carried with Burnham & Flower. Several questions were directed at Ms. Bentz concerning coverage for workers who might contract to do jobs at the township hall. She suggested these people should sign a hold-harmless agreement before being allowed access to the hall.

It was agreed that Burnham and Flowers do a complete review of insurance including property and worker's comp. Information will be sent to the agaency in the near future.

Trash Day discussion was limited to response from the Village of Mackinaw that the site could be moved next year to improve traffic flow.

Broadband development is still being studied and LaChapelle reported that there is great interest at the county level for the same type of service. This will be necessary to attract future development in outlying areas of the county.

Bertchinger reported on the information received concerning the purchase of three computer systems from Dell. Motion by Rogala, second by Davis that three machines would be ordered for use by the Treasurer, Clerk, and Assessor. All aye, motion carried.

Bertchinger will contact local person to provide cleaning of the township hall monthly.

A wage of $10.00 per hour was discussed.

A brief review of possible plans for the Memorial Garden took place. It was agreed that some landscaping should be done before placement of the plaque.

Under new business, the current estimate for improvement of Hebron Mail Route road was reviewed. The estimate is approximately $62,000, which is an increase over cost received two years ago. Other roadwork in the township was also discussed, but at this point Hebron seems to be the top of the list.

Motion by Rogala, second by Keck, to proceed with Hebron work and notify the county to go ahead.

Roll Call: Ayes: Davis, Keck, Dean, Rogala, Bertchinger

Nays: None

Motion Carried. Keck will contact Road Commission.

Keck read correspondence concerning Polling Place Accessibility and suggested that it would be prudent to have a qualified inspector review the township hall and make a report on any deficiencies that might exist. Motion by Davis, second by Rogala to authorize this inspection.

Roll Call: Ayes: Rogala, Davis, Bertchinger, Keck, Dean

Nays: None

Motion carried. Keck will contact person to do inspection.

Treasurer's Report accepted as presented. Motion by Davis, Second by Rogala, to pay bills as listed on warrant sheet. All aye, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned to the call of the chair at 8:50 P.M.

Jack A. Keck, Clerk