April 20, 2006 Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was held on Thursday, April 20, 2006, at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Supervisor Dean called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

Addition was made to the Agenda to include a report by Eric Jacobson, Assessor, on the assessment roll. This was added under new business.

Motion by Dean, seconded by Keck to accept minutes of March 14, 2006 Budget Hearing and Regular meeting. All aye, minutes approved.

Michael Overton spoke to the Board members briefly and his history and reasons for moving to Cheboygan County. He expressed satisfaction with the area thus far and felt it was a good move for his family.

The following resolutions were offered to establish salaries for 2006/2007 as of April 1, 2006, Supervisor, Treasurer, Clerk and Trustees. These resolutions will be filed by the Clerk, including record of vote for each position.

Brief discussion of fire and ambulance service proposal reviewed the background of this agreement for Mike Overton. As of yet, there has been no response from the Village concerning a possible meeting.

Under new business, Keck reported that Donna Falor has agreed to be the Precinct Captain for the township and will be working on the May 2 election. Keck and Bertchinger will be the other workers.

Keck reported that arrangements are in place for the Annual Trash Day which is June 10, 2006. Dean will work this day. Posters will be sent to the appropriate parties and be posted in public places.

Dust control will again be done by Hebron Township which has managed this for the past several years and it has met with satisfaction in the past.

Keck discussed with the board members the final bill from the Attorney. Since most of this bill involved tax issues, it was agreed that a bill should be sent to other entities that benefit from these taxes. This would involve Mackinaw City Schools, Village of Mackinaw, and Cheboygan County.

Jacobson reported that the attorney was in Lansing that day (April 20, 2006) to attend a meeting of the Michigan Tax Tribunal concerning the Superior Hotels.

A motion was brought forth by Bertchinger, second by Rogala to support a resolution to retain local control of cable franchising. All aye, motion carried.

Keck reported that a letter had been received by the County Health Department concerning the approval of the well. He will collect water samples and submit them as necessary for approval.

Jacobson reported on the final figures for the tax roll after the Board of Review. These figures will be used to calculate total tax for the coming year.

Treasurer's Report for March presented as follows:

Motion by Dean, second by Rogala to accept bills for the month as listed on report. All ayes, bills approved.

Keck reported that the computer in the Clerk's office had some software which cannot be updated and it will be necessary to replace it.

Meeting adjourned to the call of the chair at 7:25 P.M.

Jack A. Keck, Clerk