The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was held on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Supervisor Dean called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Bertichinger, Rogala, Dean, Keck, Davis
Absent: None
Agenda stands as presented.
Minutes of Regular meeting of June 21 approved as presented. Minutes of Special Meeting of July 6, 2005 approved as presented.
There was no Public Comment at this time.
Items listed under Unfinished Business included:
Under New Business Keck reported that Jim Conboy was not able to attend meeting as scheduled because of late flight connections.
Current township minutes policy should be studied to consider not listing all members of the general public that attend a meeting but only those that address the Board. This will be added as a future agenda item.
Keck discussed possible purchase of improved copy machine that would be copy multiple pages and also collate. Further information will be supplied to the Board members in the future.
Bertchinger presented Budget Report as follows:
Budget Report accepted as presented.
Financial reports for the first three months of the fiscal year were discussed. Three items that show a negative balance will be corrected next month. Clean-up Day funds were received in early July from Wawatam and Village of Mackinaw, which will take care of negative in that line item. Two expenditures in Election expenditures will be transferred within the budget.
Motion by Bertchinger, second by Davis to pay bills listed on July warrant list. All aye, motion carried.
Correspondence received during the month was reviewed.
The meeting was adjourned to the call of the chair at 8:40 P.M.
Jack A. Keck, Clerk