April 19, 2005 Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township board was held on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw Michigan. Supervisor Dean called meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

Guests: Linda LaChapelle, Eric Cowell, Nanette Keck

Agenda stands as presented.

Minutes of March 15 minutes were corrected to show David changed to Davis. Minutes approved with correction.

No public comment at this time.

A discussion was held concerning a memorial plaque – this was to honor Evelyn Dexel . Further ideas were explored as to how to create a display inside the township hall to honor other people who played a part in the construction. An attempt will be made to obtain photos that might have been taken at the dedication.

Keck reviewed the Web site progress and discussed the content of the pages now in place. The Board members felt this was going to be a great improvement to the residents of the township and felt the information should be updated in a timely manner.

Spring Clean-up day will be the 21st of May from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. This will be in conjunction with Wawatam Township and the Village of Mackinaw. Dean will see that the set-up is done and Bertchinger will cover the balance of the time. There will also be helpers from Mackinaw City and Wawatam.

It was reported that a meeting concerning the U.S. 23 Corridor will be held on the 27th of April. Any further action on the pending 425 agreement was postponed until the meeting is held. The four members of the board present indicated they would attend the meeting.

Liquor Control Inspection will be handled by Rick Miller (who is a deputy with the Cheboygan County Sheriff’s Department.) At the present time there is only one establishment open and that has been inspected.

The County Street Index was discussed and it was agreed that a mailing might be in order for all township residents when the correct information is available. LaChapelle said the information is not yet available as to road names, etc.

Under new business, it was announced that a meeting would be held on April 28 at 11:00 A.M. to discuss the agreement with Charter Communication.

The recent action at the Michigan Tax Commission was reviewed and there is no further action necessary at this time. However, it was agreed that when this issue comes up again, it should be pursued. The cost of any action might be shared by other government agencies that stand to lose funds.

Bertchinger presented the Treasurer’s Report as follows:

Motion by Rogala, support by Bertchinger that warrant list presented be approved for payment. All aye, motion carried.

Keck reported on a meeting with Bob Lake of the Cheboygan County Road Commission as to current condition of roads, which had been tarred & chipped last summer. It appears the road is now in fairly good shape. Rogala reported that he, too, felt they seem to be improved. The county will be sweeping these roads this spring to remove any excess stones.

Keck reported on the May 3 election and he and Falor will be attending a meeting on April 21 to test the election machines.

Correspondence presented to the Board was briefly reviewed. One letter concerned funds available for grants to improve barrier free facilities. The consensus was that the building is now acceptable and should be left as is.

Discussion concerning Library representative from Mackinaw Township centered on the possibility of this person attending a Board Meeting to report on the business of the library. Bertchinger volunteered to call Nancy Campbell to request this action.

Meeting adjourned to the call of the chair at 7:30 P.M.