October 21, 2008 Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was called to order at 7:30 P.M. on October 21, 2008 at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Supervisor Dean led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Keck, Dean, Rogala, Bertchinger, Davis

Absent: None

Also present: Tim MacArthur, Linda Socha, Nancy Campbell, Ken Paquet

Agenda stands as presented. Minutes of September meeting approved as presented.

Nancy Campbell gave a report on the current happenings at the Mackinaw Public Library. The story hours this summer were very successful, with an average of 40 children attending each session. The proceeds from the Silent Auction totaled $2014.00. These funds will be used to continue the process of connecting the library to the state program, which involves a great deal of work. When completed, this will allow access to all public libraries in the State. There is one program planned for January, with others being added in the near future.

Ken Paquet then spoke to the Board Members concerning his candidacy for Cheboygan County Road Commission. Ken reviewed his past work history in the county and suggested ways he felt the Road Commission might be improved. Mr. Paquet felt there needs to be a total Transportation Plan for the County. He also indicated better communications with the townships would be desired.

First item under Unfinished Business concerned the situation with the Crossing’s motion for an assessment reduction. There has been no communication with the Mackinaw Schools or the Village of Mackinaw concerning their motion to intervene. The State Tax Tribunal will rule on this request. Attorney MacArthur did report that he has been in contact with the attorney for the Crossings who agreed to share a copy of the appraisal they had done. There was nothing further to report on any of the other issued currently before the Tribunal. Keck questioned if there might not be an advantage in reviewing this issue with MTA.

Current fire coverage was brought forth and discussion of letter sent by MacArthur to the Village Manager of Mackinaw asking that reports be sent to the Township and establishment of a Fire Board agreed upon in the current agreement. Dean reported it is becoming a problem to recruit people to serve on the Fire Department.

Current Board Policies discussion was tabled until further notice.

New Business Item A concerned establishment of a new business in Mackinaw Township. This would be a laundry service. This item was brought before the Planning and Zoning Board of Cheboygan County attended by Keck. He reviewed for the Board the discussion at that meeting.

Current Bond Service was reviewed by the Board. Motion by Dean, second by Keck to renew this Bond as stated, with Constable being deleted. All aye, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report for month of September showed balances as follows:

Bertchinger reported she is not getting a good response on 2007 Personal Property Taxes and the Board agreed she should take these claims to Small Claims Court.

Warrant list for October was approved on motion by Rogala, second by Davis. All aye, motion approved.

Keck reported to the Board that work on Hebron Mail Route has been completed. He said he would call the Road Commission concerning the amount of mud after the recent rain.

Socha reviewed with the Board members the current problems at the county level preparing a budget for next year since it is anticipated that tax revenues will continue to decline. She also reported that County rezoning is still being studied.

Motion by Keck, second by Bertchinger to adjourn at 8:45. All aye, meeting adjourned.

Jack A. Keck, Clerk