July 17, 2007 Regular Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was called to order at 7:30 P.M. on July 17, 2007, at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Dean led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Dean, Keck, Rogala, Bertchinger
Absent: Davis

Also present: Nancy Campbell, Burnie Myers, Eric Jacobson

Agenda approved as presented. Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 21, 2007 approved as presented.

Davis arrived at 7:31 P.M.

Burnie Myers of the Cheboygan County United Way reviewed the activities of the agency and told the Board the different ways citizens are given assistance directly. She also passed out a brochure showing the local agencies that are funded thru United Way. She reported the Garage Sale which is one of the money makers did not do well this year. There will be another fundraiser during Autumn fest in the fall. The main campaign for funds in the area will be conducted in October.

Nancy Campbell gave a brief report on the activities of the Library. There will be a Silent Action from August 6 thru August 15. There is also an Antique Show on August 7, 2007.

After discussion concerning the recent improvement on Freedom Road, motion by made by Bertchinger, second by Dean to authorize an expenditure up to $100.00 for seed and trees to be planted along the roadway. All aye, motion carried.

Sealcoat/FogSeal project will be started in the near future on the designated roads. No comment has been received from the residents sent letters about this project.

Discussion of the latest agreement received from the Village of Mackinaw concerning Fire and Ambulance Protection brought forth the following suggestions – 1) The Agreement should be sent to Dr. Lynn Harvey for his opinion. 2) It should be sent to our attorney with the question of liability to the Township. 3) The Village will be asked clarification of fixed costs.

On the question of recycling, Keck will attend a meeting of the Village of Mackinaw on Wednesday morning. He will report back to Board Members on any new information he obtains.

Motion by Davis, second by Bertchinger to approved the purchase of Accounts Payable Program from Pontem. Roll Call vote: Ayes: Keck, Davis, Dean, Rogala, Bertchinger.

Dean expressed thanks to Rogala for suggesting the Memorial Garden be located near the Township Hall and it was agreed that the Plaque should be mounted on one of the rocks now in place. A dedication will be scheduled in the near future.

Treasurer’s report accepted as presented. Motion by Dean, second by Bertchinger to pay bills as listed for the month of July. All aye, motion carried.

Top of Michigan Trail Council letter concerning grant and improvements was brought to the attention of the Board.

Meeting adjourned to the call of the Chair at 9:00.

Jack A. Keck, Clerk