March 2005 Board Meeting

The regular meeting of the Mackinaw Township Board was held on Tuesday, march 15, 2005 at 10595 Wallick Road, Mackinaw City, MI. Supervisor Dean called meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Present: Bertchinger, Rogala, Dean, Keck, Davis

Guest: Nanette Keck

Agenda stands as presented.

A motion was brought forth by Rogala, second by Davis to open the Public Budget Hearing.

Motion Carried. There was no discussion of 06 Budget and no public input. A motion to adopt the budget as presented was presented by Keck, second by David. All aye, Budget adopted.

The Public Budget Hearing was adjourned at 6:10 P.M.

The General Appropriations Resolution was presented for action. On motion by Bertchinger, second by Davis this was brought before the Board.

Roll Call: Rogala, Yes - Bertchinger, Yes - Keck, Yes - Dean, Yes - Davis, Yes. Motion carried.

Minutes of February 15 meeting were reviewed and stand as presented.

Item A under unfinished business (Memorial Garden Plaque) was deferred until next meeting.

A short discussion on the Web site being developed for the Township ensued. Samples of two different pages were viewed, with an agreement on which was the preferred one.

Financial Reports now presented to the Board monthly were reviewed. A motion was introduced by Rogala, second by Davis, that Financial Reports would be required at the end of each Quarter until the fourth quarter of the fiscal year. The reports will then be presented monthly. All aye, motion carried.

On motion by Bertchinger, with second by Davis, the Liquor Control Ordinance will be adopted as the official policy of the Township Board. All aye, motion carried.

Bertchinger presented a motion, with second by Davis, to authorize Keck to hire a liquor control inspector with qualifications as required by State Law. The contract will be for one year and will not exceed $800. All aye, motion carried.

Motion by Rogala, second by Bertchinger that meeting dates for the 2005/2006 year be the same - third Tuesday of each month, with no meetings in August and December. All aye, motion carried.

Keck informed the Board that Dr. John Childs of Mackinaw City had donated a Panasonic RR 900 recording machine to the Township Board and Keck asked for permission to write a letter to Dr. Childs acknowledging the gift.

Keck reported on the Cheboygan County Street Index being conducted and stressed the importance of our township residents complying with the rules put forth for numbering. This will be good information to be added to the Web site when it is available.

Keck gave a brief overview of the MTA State conference and again emphasized the importance of attendance at these conferences.

The 425 rules being proposed by the Village of Mackinaw were reviewed and it was agreed that a meeting with the Village, Mackinaw Township, and Wawatam Township should be pursued to work out future actions on 425 requests.

Motion by Bertchinger, second by Rogala, that the Retainer Agreement with Attorney Tim MacArthur be approved for the coming year. All aye, motion carried.

A motion by Rogala, with second by Bertchinger was brought before the Board to retain the money in this current budget for parks. This amount will be carried forward with an additional amount from next year's budget to build funds for future park development. All aye, motion carried.

Bertchinger presented the Treasurer's Report as follows:

A report on Delinquent Tax amounts was also reviewed now that the Tax Books have been closed.

This report was for summer, winter and personal property taxes due.

Motion by Rogala, second by Davis that the warrant list be approved for payment of bills in March.

All aye, motion carried.

Keck reported on a letter he proposed to send concerning the work done on Freedom and Old Mackinaw Roads last summer. The County Road Commission has agreed that something is wrong with the coating and it will have to be redone next summer. Agreement by the Board that the letter should be sent informing the residents of the situation.

Keck reported on the election that will be held in May. This is not only a "school" election but because there is no other items on this election, the school will be required to pay for the entire election. This agreement will be in effect for two years. At the end of that time, a change could be made.

There was no correspondence to be presented to the board.

Meeting adjourned to the call of the chair at 7:30 P.M.